Чем отличается английский звук T и русский звук Т Моя учительница английского однажды попросила произнести фразу на русском с английским акцентом. Фраза была такая: Таня, дай мне тапочки! Which means Tanya, give me the slippers. Русская Т – кончик языка сильный, упирается в верхние зубы. The tip of the tongue is strong, and it is
Q&A: Practicing Pronunciation And Specifically Щ
Hey! A fellow learner here. I was wondering if you have any tip or site to practice Russian pronunciation, especially words those with “щ”, the hardest Cyrillic letter to pronounce as I have read in some pages. Thanks for your time and help! 🙂 Hi! Pronunciation is probably the hardest part of the second language
Hey! A fellow learner here. I was wondering if you have any tip or site to practice Russian pronunciation, especially words those with “щ”, the hardest Cyrillic letter to pronounce as I have read in some pages. Thanks for your time and help! 🙂 Hi! Pronunciation is probably the hardest part of the second language