Word of the Day: Берёза

Берёза /bʲɪˈrʲɵzə/ noun, feminine — birch Берёзы ночью в темноте видны лучше других деревьев.  The birches can be seen at night in the dark better than any other tree. Родственные слова: Берёзовый /bʲɪˈrʲɵzəvɨɪ̯/ adjective — related to birch, made of birch Берёзовые поленья горят жарко и долго. Birch logs burn hot and long. The folk

Word of the Day: Сосна

Сосна /sɐˈsna/ noun, feminine — pine Дом стоит в окружении сосен.  The house is surrounded by pine trees. Родственные слова: Сосновый /sɐˈsnovɨɪ̯/ adjective — related to pine, made of pine Вдохните свежий воздух соснового бора. Breathe in the fresh air of the pine forest.

Word of the Day: Вяз

Вяз /vʲas/ noun, masculine — elm Кошмар на улице Вязов – очень страшный фильм. A Nightmare on Elm Street is a very scary movie. Родственные слова: Вязнуть /ˈvʲaznʊtʲ/ verb — to stick, to get stuck Вязкий /ˈvʲaskʲɪɪ̯/ adjective — viscous, tough Вязы очень вязкие. В них вязнет и пила, и топор.  Elms are very tough.

Synonyms: How to Tell the Difference

Synonyms are a blessing and a curse for language learners. How can a language learner know the difference between two words that mean the same thing? How do you know when to choose one word, and when to choose the other? Can they be used interchangeably, or does each word have a specific niche and belong to a certain context? I will try to answer those questions in this article, and I will share a few practical tips on how to make synonyms your friends.

How Do We Memorize Words?

When I was working on my master thesis in the university, I found a very interesting book that cardinally changed my perception of speech and language. The book, written by language philosopher and linguist Boris Gasparov was titled rather vaguely: Language, Memory, Image. Behind those three words was the whole new concept of human speech.

Russian Words Derived From Geographical Names

The Russian language, like many other languages, has many words that derived from the names of geographical places. The French province Champagne gave the name to all sparkled wines in Russian. Though French wine-makers insist that only wines produced in Champagne can be called Champagne, in Russia the word “Шампанское” (Shampanskoye) became the label for